
This is a rendition of Guile from Street Fighter II. I loved this game when i was young and spent many a round and many a quarter playing it. My favorite character was Guile. I always felt like he was a well rounded fighter and a cool character. I used to draw him (and the other SF character) a lot when i was younger. Then much later i thought it would be cool to do a re-visioning or a personal piece of Guile in 3D. As i saw Street Fighter 4 pics come online i got amped to give it a shot.

I dug into Guile's background and info etc.. (thank you wikipedia!) . I tried to incorporate a lot of it into this. I also did research on AirForce Majors as well as classic SFII era things.... as well as personal things i wanted to do.

Guile, who is normally a clean, sturdy, symmetrical character has recently lost his best friend Charlie thanks to M.Bison. He hits the street fighting tournaments a somewhat disheveled and distraught rendition of his former self, living, eating, and breathing Charlies fall every waking minute.

Air Force Stuff:
Dog Tags are worn so that there is a long one and a short one. Both are identical, but in the case of death or hospitalization etc... the long one can be removed from the body, while the short (closer to neck) one is to remain with the body at all times. In this case Guile's long tag is his personal tag, whereas his closer tag (bent up and bloody here) is Charlies tag which stays with him to his grave.

-The tags are AF style tags.

-Air Force based Watch and Medals

Guile Stuff:

-Special-order army hair spray and many Ace combs.
-Teeth embedded in the right boot from flashkicking people in the face
-Wedding band
-1991 is the year that SFII was released.
-Handcuffs :). I had to.

Other than Guile images i drew reference form Fight Club, AF/Army/Law enforcement, and fashion.


*Guile is not a real-time character


Zbrush Images




-Other Stuff-


Dog Tags


American Flag Barcode: 1991 is the year SFII was released (in the US)





Coincidentally while I was working on Guile my grandma happened to mail me some things and along with it she decided to pack some old photocopies of old drawings. Some of which happened to be some of my Street Fighter II drawings including Guile. These were drawn on little cards, oh probably about the time the game was popular. These here are scans of copies of the original so i had to pen in a few completely missing lines in PS.



Some Work in Progress images below